This morning Heidi was helping with Stake Baptisms. Gratefully I had David and Rebecca to help mow Grammie and Grandpa Mangum's yard. Sarah also helped pick weeds for a little while.

Heidi asked me to also trim this bush back. It was tall enough that I needed a ladder to reach the top branches. Another blessing was we had access to Grandpa's electrical trimmer. It would have taken much longer without it.

This evening we had our first friend party. Here is Rebecca with her friends Krissy and Missy.

Sarah invited her friend Rayden.

David invited Silas and Lincoln. TJ was happy to hang out with the big boys.

Heidi and I got to have our friends Ryan and Carole Andelt. We had some fun chatting about being parents while trying to keep kids from landing on each other when they went down the slide. We definitely need some defined safety rules for the pool. Carole suggested having dedicated slide time and then closing the slide so people can swim the whole length of the pool without worrying about being landed on. Thankfully no one got hurt.

Ryan and Carole brought their kids Anthony, Donovan and Macy (I didn't catch a shot with her in it). We hoped Joseph and TJ would play with these two.

As is happened Joseph was being shy. Peter had fun pouring a watering can into the pool over and over again. Anthony and Donovan and several other kids kept helping him refill it.
The other big story of the day was buying a receiver. We found a guy on Craig's List selling just the right thing. I felt impressed not to negotiate price even though I thought he might be willing to come down. I didn't know why but decided to listen to the prompting. Larry is a friendly guy and gave me some very useful pointers on how to set the device up. As he did so I realized that the hand me down subwoofer we had would not work with this receiver. This didn't bother me too much since we were told when it was given to us that it didn't work. Still, it meant we wouldn't have sound for our friend party. I asked Larry if he happened to have a subwoofer for sale. He did and wanted $60 for it. Sadly I only had $38 left. I began to put away my money disappointedly when Larry said "Ya know since you didn't haggle with me on the receiver I'm gonna make your day and give you the subwoofer for $38". This is the blessing of following a promoting. Thanks to this blessing and a tech support phone call to my friend Jae we were able to let the kids watch part of a movie after they got out of the pool. The sound is booming. Papa says it "shakes the house". We'll have to work on adjusting settings and setting parameters to keep from disturbing our upstairs neighbors. They were good sports about it tonight. Well that seems like a thorough report for today.
Great lesson on the blessings that can come from listening to and following righteous promptings.