This morning, before Michael and Abby had to set off for their summer job adventure, we had time for one more small adventure with them. They wanted to go to a sacrament meeting but needed to get on the road as quickly as possible too. As it turns out Emerald Acres Ward "pretty much perpetually" meets at 9 am. So Heidi and I asked Rebecca and David to babysit while the four of us checked out the Emerald Acres Ward.
Some of the highlights of the Fast and Testimony meeting included several Primary aged kids who bore testimonies. Among them was a little girl with Down syndrome. She seems to have moved in recently and talked about how happy she has been to make so many new friends. A brother talked about a recent trip to Chicago. The "Sear's Tower" now has a glass overhang that allows adventure seekers to look straight down to street level 1300 feet below. For him it was difficult due to his fear of heights but he wanted to stretch and learn to master his fear. He compared it to opportunities Heavenly Father gives us to stretch and grow. It made me think of us and the many unknowns of buying a new house. I wonder if this talk was to help me.
After sacrament we met Bishop Snepf. He confirmed that this is the right ward for us. The family who was living in he house before us attended another Stake but due to a boundary change it is now part of Emerald Acres Ward. We met a couple of other friendly ward members but quickly it was time for our visitors to get on the road.
In our ward I was asked to assist Brother Fletcher with his Primary class. They are some good kids who could use some practice with being attentive. Still, I am grateful for the chance to serve.
Late this evening we got a text from Michael that he and Abby were safely to their destination. They both have jobs at Ponderosa Ranch near Zion National Park. He is doing catering. She is a tennis coach and all around activity guide. We pray that they will have a good experience and look forward to any future announcements that may be forthcoming ;)
We join you in well wishes for Michael and Abby. Glad the pre-visit to Emerald Acres went well. We look forward to the real visit when "allabodies" go.