Today was a busy day of testing and work. Before we started we have Matt two couches that we won't need in our new house. I'm glad he can give them a good home. She went with him and the kids out to San Tan to mow Grammie and Grandpa Mangum's lawn. David went to his friend Silas' Eagle project. They planted trees for snakes (not making this up).
Testing number 1 for me was climbing up on the church roof to test microwave links between buildings. It took a little over two hours but it looks like it is going to work. That is a big relief.
Testing number two was out at Big Foot. Papa and Becca B picking me up from the church building. Big foot started right up. Soon we'll be moved Big foot to its new home but for today we simply comfirmed the battery is working strong.

Test number 3 was trying out this stair lift. The new house has stairs and we may want to install a lift so that Gram can use them.

This afternoon we tested out the new pool for the first time. Heidi and I even tested out the slide. It is way fun. It felt refreshing after several days of moving boxes and furniture.

High on David's list has been testing out the new projector. It works! TJ is in the shot for some scale. David described it as "Epic!"

Last up Peter was feeling impatient for Mom to finish cooking the potatoes so he tested eating them raw. Result: he ate it all gone. Apparently it worked for him.
It was a busy day but it seems that everything tested out well.
Another journal entry that leaves the reader impressed (and exhausted) by how much this Fam squeezes into one day. Gramma was touched seeing the photo of her youngest son testing a possible stair left for her. She knows she is loved especially on this Mothers Day