This morning I awoke ahead of my alarm. I was stressed, worried that we might not have enough people to help us move. Especially I worried about the extremely heavy piano we are blessed to own. In the end my worry was beyond unfounded. We hoped to have at least 8 instead we may have had 20. Let me see who I can remember:
Matt Mangum with his trailer
Sal Alcantar (with 3 littles in tow) pulling Dale Garner's nice trailer
Greg Turley with his truck
Michael Hallsted
Rich and Kelli Skousen with their truck
Jim Abney with his truck
Greg, Hyrum, Samuel, Orson and Lincoln Phelps
Doug, Anthony, Lauren and Bradley Roche
Steven Offen
Kent Stewart and his boy Hyrum
President Steven Glenn (of the Stake presidency) he helped put the girl's bunk bed together.
We had some neighbors stop by and help as well.
Abram Ellsworth and his daughter Maggie
Bishop Shnepf checked in. His wife took down the names and ages of our kids so she can get them assigned to Primary classes
Gene Freeman 2nd Counselor in the ward High Priest Group
David Pew offered to help as well
Last night we had help moving things downstairs.
Elders Maughn and Parsons (vital in getting our heavy treadmill downstairs)
Heidi's friend Nancy McGuire from Humanitarian and her son JT
Plus Doug, Lauren and Bradley
The moving was like a whirlwind. There was hardly time to tell people where to put things and it was done. Between 7 am and 9 it was done. Rebecca, Sarah and Lauren helped by passing out waters and donuts to refresh the volunteers. David was always actively moving and hustling. I was proud of his effort today. Our friends Ben and Elisa Taylor kindly watched TJ, Joseph and Peter so they wouldn't be under foot. By my count that puts us well past 20 helpers.
After the helpers had all gone and it was time to pick up the little boys we realized that the van battery was dead again (see yesterday's blog). Happily we were blessed that our neighbor Brent Thompson was home and willing to give us a jump. We got the boys and another small load and brought them back to the new house. Heidi and I got a new battery for the van while the kids ate lunch.
Incidentally we met our new neighbor across the street to the right. His name is Greg Beckett and he seems very nice.

We went for a swim to relax the sore muscles. Here is Rebecca and Peter in his dragon towel.

Rebecca went to her friend Ivy's birthday party where she gave her a custom made cello pillow. Rebecca reports that Ivy loved it. Above you see a treasure that Sarah found at Goodwill. $1.50 for a great big Nemo fish. She was smitten. TJ went halvsies with her. David bought a fancy two wheeled skate board.
I found a spool of Cat6 cable for a good price. It's the type the Stake will need for the upgrades we have planned. The only issue is that we'd have to add our own ends. I lack those tools and skills. After trying several people and not teaching anyone by phone was about to give up. I even put the cable back on the shelf. As we left we ran into a member of our Bishopric, Sam Ordonez. He is an electrician. He has the tools and the know how. He confirmed it was a good deal and offered to help cut the cable to our needed lengths and add the ends. We felt that clearly Heavenly Father sent him just in time to answer our question.
Next we visited Gram and gave her a blessing. We took a load of their stuff to the new house.

Finally we had a fun visit with Matt, Sharon, Lucy and Alex. Those who wanted to, swam. Then we ate some snacks and gave the tour. I think we'll sleep well tonight. Heavenly Father must have blessed us to be able to fit so much into one day. There is no way we could have done this on our own.
What a wonderful turn out of friends and family to help move. What goes around comes around. A good FHE activity in the near future might be writing snailmail thank you notes following Pres Hinckley's counsel to be grateful