The big story of today was signing documents on our new home on Gilbert and Southern (we call it Gilbert and Sullivan). Call me if you need the actual address. Before I tell that story let me tell me two stories about Heidi. the above picture shows Heidi, David and our passenger side tail light. The blinker was out. Heidi looked up a how to video on YouTube, bought the parts and supervised the repair. David wanted to be involved. I think he liked using the ratchet wrench our neighbor Anthony gave us for Christmas. I helped a little too. It was nice not having to go to a mechanic.

File this one under the heading of "mystery solved". Heidi, hard worker as ever, was trimming back our bougainvillea plant and noticed two little yellow balls. These are the long lost tennis balls that used to be on Gram and Papa's Saturn. Now they can have a back up set. You know, in case the mysterious tennis ball bandit returns ;).
Papa described signing a "ream" of documents at the title company. They were seriously at least an inch think. I don't think I'm exaggerating. Melanie is the name of the lady who helped us. She seemed very patient as she explained all the things we were signing.
Next we went with Diane over to the new house for the walk through. Weirdly the heater was turned on. Heidi and I think that the thermostat may have gotten "fixed" wrong. Otherwise most of the things on the list seemed to have been fixed well enough. We'll be interested to know what the home owner learns about the AC unit. Crazy to think that the likely near end of one chapter is really the beginning of a new fun chapter. One that is likely to be just as busy, if not busier, than the last.
Another jammed packed journal. How many ladies research and repair a taillight problem? Not many. Let's hope she doesn't need to climb on the roof to repair the AC😒 And Tennis Ball Mystery solved‼️👏🏻