December 4, 2016

11/27/16 Heidi's "Little Sister"

Before I talk about today I wanted to share a cute story that happened at the Taylor's house on Thanksgiving day.

I was talking to Heidi and some of the other grown-ups over by the swings when one of the Taylor grandchildren came by to talk to Heidi. The little girl told her about how her "little sister" was helping them out on the zip line. The "little sister" that she was referring to was Rebecca. Heidi smiled a big smile, she thought that was really cute. Rebecca really is a big helper and she's been following her mother's footsteps.
Today was a fairly typical Sunday. Heidi and I substitute taught in the Fletcher's primary class. During the third hour we set up a projector for the youth class. They got to hear reports on the missions of two recently returned missionaries from our ward. One of the Sisters served in a particularly difficult Northern European mission. She only got to attend one baptism while she was a missionary. I imagine that would've been very difficult. The other Sister talked about how, early in her mission, she struggled with doubts about whether or not she was where she was supposed to be. At some point in her mission she was in a car accident. In a priesthood blessing that she received she was told that her sister had been there protecting her and keeping her safe. The Elder who gave the blessing did not know that she had a sister that had passed away. The blessing reminded the Sister that heavenly father knew where she was and that she was being watched over.
Going on a mission is not easy. My mission is probably the hardest thing I've ever done, next to becoming a parent 😄. I am glad I went though because I learned a lot and I learned to trust Heavenly Father more.
This afternoon Heidi went visiting teaching. This evening I dropped off a message at the home of one of my families who's been tough to reach lately. I've still got that "You're Welcome" song stuck in my head from Mo yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Jammed packed journal full of memories to ponder and keep. Very nice story about sensitive intelligent Rebecca
