December 12, 2016

12/10/16 Many Gifts

This morning Heidi used her creativity and a pancake pen to remind us of the original and most important gift of Christmas.

TJ didn't need any hints to know that this was a pancake Nativity scene. Heavenly Father and Jesus gave us the gift of His perfect life. What's more, His sacrifice means we have the chance to be an eternal family.

The gift of organization
The picture above shows the large Tupperware container that we've been keeping our shoes in near the front door. It has been a vast improvement over the old method of simply shoving them under the bench near the front door. Still when the pair of shoes that you need has drifted to the bottom of the barrel it leaves some things to be desired.

Today Heidi and I helped a friend of ours clean some things out of her garage. In amongst the things that she no longer needed was this neat shelf. She kindly gave it to us. Look how much more neatly we can store our shoes. We are grateful for her kindness.

Look at these beautifully decorated and delicious gingerbread cookies. Our friend Bob Rhyne and his wife Gerlene kindly brought these over this evening to share with us. We made quick work of them. We are grateful for their tradition of kindness and creativity.

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