December 5, 2016

12/4/16 Sabbath Service

Today was a fairly typical Sunday for us. Heidi helped out in primary. Today was a day that the teachers have teacher training. This meant that during the big class when the kids are all together they needed people to sit with the kids to make sure that they stayed reverent. This can be no small task considering how lively the little ones can be.
My technology tasks today included setting up wireless microphones and carrying them around during Sunday school. During priesthood I helped set up a laptop and TV and played back some video clips.
Since it was fast Sunday David went with his quorum to collect fast offerings.
This afternoon Heidi went over to the Taylor's home where they had Cub Scout committee meeting. There always seems to be some type of drama going on in the Cub Scouting organization. Luckily Heidi is a wonderful peacemaker.

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