December 20, 2016

12/20/16 Last Day of School for Entz

Today Rebecca, Sarah and TJ had their last day of school for 2016. I had my weekly meeting at Empire and when I got home so were the kids. It was fun hanging out with the kids today. We mostly let them watch tv. We need to get a plan together or that will get to be too much real quick.
David still has school till Thursday so he had homework to do. It was fun helping him check his math. We have this amazing iPhone app that can solve algebra equations just by looking at them in the camera. The best part is that it shows step by step how to solve them. That way if David did one wrong I could show him the right way to do it. Sometimes it is truly amazing living in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Makes us think of Christmas song with the line "and Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again"
