December 23, 2016

12/22/16 Sound Check

This morning, after David was off to school, we got a visit from Laura Jo and Orson Phelps. Their parents needed to teach at at Heritage today but they were out of school. At nine we all went over to the church to test connecting a keyboard to the chapel sound system for Sunday. The good news is that it is just loud enough to work. If we needed it louder we'd have to borrow a mixer from the Stake Center. Gratefully that won't be necessary.

While Heidi and I did sound stuff the kids played in the gym.

Rebecca the reader snagged the opportunity to read a few chapters in her book.
In the afternoon I worked with Michael Hallsted. He needed an office space and I negotiated one for him over at Empire. The spot he's in now is temporary until they put in the planned cubicals. Hopefully the new situation is a good fit for Michael.

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