August 5, 2017

8/2/17 Grocery Shopping for School Supplies

Today I spent the work day at a client trying to straighten out their books. Heidi took Rebecca and Sarah to orientation at Mesa Academy.
This evening everyone but David and the Auswanderers went to Walmart. We filled two carts with food and another half full of school supplies. We must've been a sight to the other shoppers our little train wandering through the store. The check out gal was kind. She picked up a job at Walmart when the legal firm she was a secretary at closed down. She liked hearing that we shared a house with my parents and wondered what would happen to her when she needed more help. She felt confident her kids would help like we are.
David went to mutual at nearby high school pool. They have a wave generator called the Flow Rider. He was out late but seemed to have a fun time.

1 comment:

  1. Fun Walmart story. I don't think Ihave ever learned more about a clerk as she checked us out 😂
