This morning, at 6 am, David and Rebecca and I met up with the other boys to put up flags for Memorial Day. The donations from participants help to pay for scout camp for the boys.

Here is a copy of our map. We delivered flags to about 16 homes along Gable.

When we got home we could see that Heidi had put up Great Grandpa Connelly's flag.

Next up Heidi dropped me at the Stake Center to do another microwave transmission test. This time we got a solid signal between the Stake Center and Adobe quite quickly. It doesn't quite answer why we had so much trouble last time. Still, it gives us enough confidence that we can move forward.
While I did that Heidi continued the deep clean of the old house. Joseph found a creative use for and old pair of gloves.

This afternoon we were invited to a get together at the Taylors. The kids loved the water slide. I even went down it once or twice.

Son-in-law Corey Willis made snow cones for the kids.

Alex, Joseph and Peter are like the three amigos whenever our families get together.

David thoughtfully brought a snow cone for me as well.

David and Lincoln had fun playing scrabble together.
In the evening we gathered the flags we had put out.
When we got home we had FHE with Gram, Papa and Becca B. We sang songs from my childhood accompanied by the ukulele. Papa provided a lesson about Great Grandpa Connelly and being grateful to those who fight to protect our country.
It was a full day of activities on this our first Monday in our new home. Our combined FHE was enjoyable, memorable and spiritual