This morning Heidi took the kids to Humanitarian while I finished my last 3 CPE credits for this two year cycle. That was a huge relief. It always feels tough finding the time to sit down for a class. Having a set schedule and treating it like a client has helped.
When Heidi and the kids got back it was time to get cleaning. We found the above picture of David while cleaning the office. I think it's from his first year of school. We've been working at it but there was still a lot to do to get ready to have company tonight. The house looks and feels much better now.

This evening was our Valiant and Friends house warming party. Michael Hallsted and his wife Jessica came with their kids Allison, Andrew and Amy. You can see Joseph talking to his mom, Peter on the step. TJ is wearing his new goggles that Papa bought him for helping work on a project.

Sarah, Rebecca and David had fun with our guests.
Sal and Ange came a little bit later on. They are celebrating their anniversary so we were pleased that they chose to spend part of it with us. Overall it was a fun party. We had fun visiting with the grown ups and the kids had fun with the kids. Maybe, in the future, we'll start a little sooner so we don't end so late. It was after 10 by the time we got the kids to bed.
It is very nice to have a house that we are proud to invite guests into. And it it no small thing that we OWN it!