This morning Rebecca finished the Prealgebra mission in Khan Academy. This is material similar to what David was taught in the 7th grade. He finished the mission last summer but Khan added more to it later on. David is working on re-finishing so he can move on to the Algebra mission.

The little boys keep finding new places to hide in the house. Here is Joseph in the cupboard.

The kids have been excited to show me the park near our house. They feel it has elements of many of their favorite parks.

At the park their is a cement incline. We've seen kids biking on it so we decided to try it. Unfortunately before we had all even gotten over to it Rebecca had gotten going too fast and crashed. It didn't help that she was carrying some things in her hands. She got several cuts scrapes and bruises. The good news is that she didn't break any bones. This was a very painful lesson to learn.
We're proud of the math proficiency of these keikis. The nice park right down our street is called "Emerald Park"🍀