This morning the big highlight was Gram and Heidi going to the Temple. They did initiatory for family members that Gram has done the family history work for. It has been a while since Gram has been able to go due to health reasons. They reported having a good experience. Hopefully this will be the beginning of many future visits to the Temple.

This afternoon I got to take the kids swimming while Heidi worked on other things. Here is Rebecca with her artistic floaty.

TJ and Sarah floating around.

Peter's favorite pool activity is to fill the watering can and pour it back into the pool. In the background Joseph cools his feet. We have missed David a lot while he's been at camp.
It was some time after this moment that Peter tried to bring me my phone while I swam and dropped it into the pool. We turned it right off and are letting it dry out. Hopefully it will still work.

This evening Heidi and Rebecca went to a Relief Society activity together. They sewed kits for girls in places that can't afford menstrual pads. These allow girls to stay in school or work during their period who currently must stay home. I am proud of the new skills Rebecca is learning.
On several levels Gramma was blessed to go to the temple. Heidi was inspired to invite her and then patiently care for her throughout the trip.Mahalo nui loa Heidi