Our main session of Stake Conference was at the Inter-Stake Center. It is a huge facility that can acccomodate a whole stake at once. Heidi brought our kids plus Kelly and her children in our big van. Gram and Papa came in their car and they all sat together. The report is that Peter let her sit the whole time. Pretty amazing for a two hour meeting.

I sat in the technical director chair in the control room. I did get to see the family through one of the remote controlled cameras. It was pretty exciting to TD a four camera show complete with lower thirds, lyrics and picture in picture for the choir director. My brain was pretty fried from the extended concentration by the end. Still, in spite of feeling drained it was a good experience. I feel like Heavenly Father needs me to get better at doing that skill. It was a blessing to work with such a talented crew. We couldn't have had such a successful broadcast without the great team that has been assembled.

After conference we made our way home. The kids played board games. Here are Joseph, TJ, Rebecca and James playing Clue.

Peter and Chris played with some Disney character on a map. They had fun together.

Melissa and Sarah enjoyed playing Battleship .

Later on, while the grown ups visited upstairs, the kids gathered around Melissa's tablet to watch an episode of Disney's Lion Guard TV show. We thought it was ironic that they had the option of a giant screen yet elected an 8 inch one.

James has earned a new buddy. TJ loves spending time with his older cousin. James has been loving and kind to TJ. It's wonderful to see them getting along so well.
It has been grand to have Kel's family visit, although we had concerns for Kelly solo driving for 13 hours and arriving during record breaking excessive heat her in the Valley of the Sun. We have been making some extended family memories