This morning we took my phone out of the dry rice it's been in and turned it on. It behaved erratically. Apps wouldn't stay open and I had trouble even turning it back off. I looks as though I'll be needing a new phone. Gram sweetly let me borrow her phone for today so that I can make and receive calls.

This picture came from Heidi's phone when she took the kids down to the park this morning.
Heidi and I met with a new client this morning. They are a janitorial company with about 400 clients. If all goes well we'll begin work for them on Tuesday.
At some point in the day we got a text from Bishop Christensen. David is smiling at camp and appears to be doing great. Greg Phelps reports that David is doing well. David voted not to have us sign him up to also do Scoutcamp with Emerald Acres Ward. Apparently one Scoutcamp per year is enough.
We are happy that David is apparently a good experience at camp. We are anxious to have him home