Today was full of family bonding. Here is Sarah wearing her cousin Melissa's sun glasses and having a good time.

Here is a 4 shot showing Melissa, David, Sarah and TJ. The cousins all seemed to have fun playing together.

Joseph loves to warm up after a swim by lying on the toasty deck. Heidi suggested swimming early today so we avoided the hottest part of the day.

Rebecca had fun helping Peter with his favorite pool activity, dumping the watering cans into the pool.

Becca B enjoyed her new birthday goggles.

After the swim it was time for the movie. The theater near us has giant, rumbling recliner seats. The kids all had fun seeing Cars 3. This film gets the record as the first movie all 6 of our kids sat through the whole time. Usually Heidi ends up in the hall with a fussy child. Not today.

After the movie we posed for a group shot by the giant movie poster.

After the movie Heidi put the finishing touches on the rainbow cake.

Here are the four girls whose birthdays we celebrated today: (l to r) Becca B, Stephanie, Rebecca and Melissa.

Look at Becca B's happy face. Her birthday is one of her favorite days of the year.
What a day! Kelly's family packed an amazing amount of activities in their short four day five night visit, including loving projects like helping with the Four Girl Party, and service projects like going to the temple and taking Gramma to her Family History session.We're glad they came. Aloha and Fair Sailing