Sadly today it was time to say Aloha to the Freeman family.

They had a long drive ahead of them. We learned later that they had some car trouble but finally made it home to Utah after midnight. We are so glad they came and that they made it safely home.

This afternoon Papa and Gram's furniture arrived right on time.

The three pieces fit even better than expected. The colors seem to go well together too.

Next up Kerry and Wayne came to install the microwave and light fixtures in the kitchenette. I got to help out a little.

Heidi was a big help as well, reading instructions and marking places to drill. She continues to be a big part of the upgrade.
Thursday turned. Out to be very eventful. It concluded the Freeman's whirlwind 4day 5night visit to the Valley of the Sun (emphasis on Sun--record breaking temps --having a pool was important). The furniture delivery was successful and marks another step in getting settled in our Ohana Home. And Kerry, Wayne with the able assistance of H&G installed the microwave and lights marking the completion of the kitchenette/efficiency apartment