This morning we decided to try out my phone again after another day drying out. Miraculously it is working again. The fingerprint recognition no longer works but otherwise all functions appear to be normal. This is a huge blessing. We really didn't want to spend $300 to replace my phone.
Today was a day for cabinet installation and moving. Heidi and the kids went to Humanitarian while I did two things. First I dropped off my church keys to Bob Rhyne. It was a little sad closing that chapter of my life. It's been wonderful to have that opportunity to serve. I told Bob to feel free to call when they need me.
After that I filled the van up with things from 430. Now the only things left are the ones that stay. Heidi actually went back with me after Humanitarian. I forgot the cleaning supplies and a drain under the kitchen sink. Now we really have everything.
While we were out Papa worked with the electrician and cabinet guys.

Shannon, the cabinet guy, discovered that one of the cabinets we bought was broken before it got to us. Papa and Becca B and I had to trek to 2 different Lowe's stores to get a replacement. Thankfully the second store had one and we got it back just in time for Shannon to install it.

Here you can see him hard at work with the replacement cabinet at his elbow. Above you can see the space he left for it. Somewhat amazing to me is that you can buy standard parts like this. The cabinet fit right in and the color matched perfectly. Gram and Papa's space is biggining to feel more like an apartment.
The phone miracle is an example of blessings that come to this family that lives to do selfless service (like cheerfully moving 430). And they are a poster family for doing what is right and letting the consequence follow