This morning David made progress on his Pre-Algebra mission. He finished practicing all the skills and is at 99% completion. We are proud of his determination as he works to hone his skills.
Also this morning I met up with Jeff and Vickie Rock over at Office Keepers to help them get started on their bookkeeping. Jeff has Quickbooks desktop experience from his last job so his help is essential. Since we only get to keep him a few month he is going to help train his mom on the software. That way she can take over when he leaves for Deloitte.
This evening we took David to his Board of Review for his Life rank. While he did that Heidi and I met with President Rondall Jones, 1st Counselor in the Stake Presidency. He extended a call for me to be an assistant Stake clerk over technology. I won't be the head guy this time but there is a lot more tech to manage in this stake. We, of course, accepted. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve.
Heavenly Father seems to have had a hand in helping GP develop advanced tech skills. We're proud of him!