Today we had a special treat, a family trip to the Temple. We owe Gram Connelly once again for doing the family history work. We did Baptisms and confirmations for 18 people. David, Stephanie, James and Becca B did Baptisms and confirmations. Chris and Melissa felt uncomfortable being baptized so they did confirmations for Temple names. All in all it was a special event. James was baptized and confirmed for Martin Connelly. Martin is my grandfather's grandfather on my Dad's side.

Rebecca Noelani responsibly babysat the younger kids. Here she is trying out one of her birthday gifts, Mater (from Cars) buck teeth lollipop. She is a huge help taking care of her younger siblings.

Today was our last chance to visit with the Freeman clan. Kids watched movies and played games. The older kids and some of the adults played Settlers of Zarahemla. Kelly prepared corn dogs based on Gram's recipe. They turned out fantastic. We even went for a late night swim. I was so tired I pretty much fell asleep during scripture study.

Peter found these sunglasses and thought he was so cool wearing them.
Great selfie capturing a special moment for us and for our ancestors. David and James were impressed that Martin Connelly is their Great Great Great Grandfather--a thought that helps to bring into focus the importance of Family History and temple work