January 15, 2016

1/15/16 TJ's Pumpkin Plant

    TJ's class planted pumpkin seeds back in October. To our continuing surprise it continues to live. This morning we awoke to find that the plant flowered in the night. None of us have a particularly green thumb at our house. The kids want to plant it outside. Heidi and I are pretty sure that the near freezing overnight temperatures will kill it. Our current goal is to simply enjoy the plant as long as it lasts. 
     In other fun things from today, Heidi got to run an errand with Gram while I ran a different errand with Papa and Becca B and our 2 youngest, Peter and Joseph. We capped it with a nice Costco lunch. 
      This evening Heidi and the kids went with me to the stake center to be part of a test of the webcast system that will be used for next Sunday's Youth Fireside. It worked retry well.  
     I also got to have a nice chat with Kelly about some teaching resources. Grade cam makes grading easier. It turns an overhead cam into a bubble test grade checker. She Also recommends the book Teach Like a Champion. I'll have to check those out.  

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