January 24, 2016

1/24/16 It Should be Easier Than This

      That is what the new High Counselor over technology said to me tonight after the Elder Andersen fireside for the youth. This time it was not our turn to host. That task was given to the Red Mountain Institute. They did fine considering the resources they had. The sound was a little distorted at the beginning but they fixed it. The webcast tech worked pretty much as it should. We only lost sound a couple of time for a second or two. We've had to deal with far worse in the past. Overall I can't complain. I did have some tech issues to work through on my end. Mainly it had to do with down converting the signal from the computer so that it could be transmitted to the overflow rooms. Heidi and Bob Rhyne and David all helped. In the end we had it sorted before the broadcast started. The knots in my stomach are still unclenching. Heavenly Father once again blessed us. Things that needed to work did. 
     Earlier in the day I got to help with the tech for our ward. My computer has started acting flaky when I connect it to an external monitor or projector but it showed no signs of that today. That was a huge blessing. 

     This picture is from Rebecca's field trip to the Arizona State capital. Her friend Darby's mom took this picture of the two of them. You can tell that they had a good time.  

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