September 16, 2016

9/15/16 Don't Forget to Pray

      Today I spent a few hours working on the new computer at the Highland Ward clerk's office. Most of that was spent trying to get the printer to work. After trying multiple strategies that should have worked I remembered prayer. I acknowledged that I needed Heaven's help and asked forgiveness for not asking earlier. Within 20 minutes the printer started working. I have no logical explanation other than that prayer works. 
      This evening I went back over to help the finance clerk, Ron, call tech support to authorize the MLS database. This time I prayed on the way over. Last time I did that I remember it taking a while to find the number and get to someone who knew what to do. This time the number was handy and the first person knew just what to do. Before I knew it I was headed back home. Amazing the difference prayer makes. Hopefully I can do a better job of retaining this lesson. 

1 comment:

  1. We all need to remember this lesson. Too often we rely on the arm of man
