September 17, 2016

9/16/16 Joseph the Helper

      Joseph has been a great big helper of late. He has become a protector of his little brother Peter. He shares his food with him and comforts him when he is distressed. The two of them love playing together. 

     Today Joseph helped me water Gram and Papa's tree and check for weeds. So far the weed spray has worked very well. 
      This evening Heidi and I went over to the church to set up for Cub Scout Day Camp. I'm not feeling ready for my movie making class. My tummy is a little upset about it. Heidi is amazing. She is in charge of the whole event and has been keeping track of myriad details. She even has been helping and comforting me.

1 comment:

  1. Joseph thanks for being a helper and being on the tree watering crew
