January 28, 2017

1/26/17 Conference Diagram

This morning Heidi took the little boys with her to Humanitarian. I stayed home and created a diagram that, hopefully, will help people learn to set up the control room for Stake Conference. The diagram features a dozen pieces of equipment connected by multiple, assorted cables. Heidi seemed to think it was a good first draft. I have since forwarded to Bob Rhyne and Jae Heiner to review it and make suggestions. Now that there is a good chance I won't be in he Stake for next conference passing this information on becomes more important.
This evening Heidi had a Pinewood derby and a Unit Commissioner meeting to attend.
The kids were really great for me. We've all gotten used to the routine where Peter and Joseph wander around, making noise and occasionally stepping/jumping on people while we start our scripture reading. Then, gradually, they settle down and fall asleep. If we're lucky they're out by the time the chapter is over. If not, we use the audio feature in our LDS Library app to play talks from the Friend until they are out. This idea of a regular bedtime routine was something Heidi and I didn't know and do until we had a couple of kids. It continues to amaze me what consistent results we get compared to the bedtime battles we had before.

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