January 28, 2017

1/27/17 Deeper Inspection

Last night, close to midnight, Megan's flight arrived in Arizona. It was the conclusion of a ten hour journey from Boise the included a stop in Seattle. Such is the price of cheap airfare. I was to be the one to pick her up but I wasn't feeling well. Heidi kindly stepped in the fill the gap.

Thankfully this morning I was feeling well enough to go along to take a closer look at the new house. I did not have the presence of mind to get any good pictures of Megan but she took many pictures of the house. To the right in the above shot we saw, what appears to be, the right sized plug for the motor home.

In these shots Joseph and David help inspect the covered deck out back.

I imagine we'll enjoy these citrus trees. Today we picked up a juicer to replace our old one which broke.
Megan took many more pictures of the interior but I spent more time outside with the boys. We'll have to share interior photos later on.

After the house visit we went to Rebecca's Battle of the Books part 2.

The questions seemed harder this time but Rebecca's team was in good form. They did not tell us the final score but Rebecca's team got seven out of eight questions correct. The next round will be in front of the whole school. After that the best scoring team(s) will go on to a multi school contest and from there to regional competition. We are proud of our reader who is also a retainer of what she reads. Go Rebecca!


  1. Inspection with measuring tape and more photos was important. Many many decisions to be made. Proud of Rebecca in book competition! Glad we could see it.

  2. Would love to hear more stats about the house. Sorry it isn't in your same stake. I know how hard it is to move away from good friends. Are you making an offer on this house?
