July 7, 2017

7/7/17 Gishes to Grandparents

We had a blast catching up with the Gish family. We missed getting John in the group shot before he had to go into work. L-R Camilla, Sarah, Rebecca, TJ, Jacob, Eleanor, Cecilia, David, Peter, Heidi, Joseph and Michelle.

Eleanor and David actually met when they were babies. Michelle has pictures of the two of them together. In one David is raising his hand. I asked him to reproduce the pose for the photo. He declined but Joseph was happy to oblige.

It took just over an hour to arrive at Grammie and Grandpa Mangum's apartment. The kids couldn't believe we wouldn't need to drive 4 more hours.

It was a happy reunion. TJ clearly missed his Grammie Mangum.

I finally broke down and ordered a new hat. It arrived here last Saturday. David decided that he wanted to wear my old hat. I've only had it around 25 years.

Grammie and Grandpa treated us to ice cream down by the dock.

Sarah enjoyed Minty Moose Tracks

David went for Mint Chocolate chip. He loves making people laugh. Here he is cheering Grammie.

We enjoyed looking out at the water. After so many days of rapid travel it felt good to take a moment to enjoy the view.


  1. What a happy blog! From seeing long lost friends to the culmination of a long planned for road trip across the country to be with Grampa and Grammie Mangum. Good job. Enjoy your east coast visit! And share memories on future blog journals

  2. Glad you arrived safely, enjoy your visit.
