September 7, 2017

9/5/17 Spit and Dirt

This morning David and Peter walked the boys to the bus stop. Weirdly David had an extra day off. Joseph is doing much better with the idea of school.

Today Gram and Papa did their ancestry DNA tests. This involved putting spit samples into a tube and registering them online. It'll be interesting to see what kind of results turn up.

The skylight cover in the motorhome had been hanging down. Heidi bought new 3m hooks. This, it turns out, was within my pay grade.

Heidi continues lessons at "pool U". These filters are supposed to be white.

We enlisted Rebecca, Sarah and TJ who all took turns with the hose. Eventually they did look better. Hopefully it helps the pool stay cleaner.


  1. Where did those filters come from?? Heidi may be ready to spin off the subsidiary Valiant Pool Maintenance

  2. Fun to be getting Bigfoot ready for the October trip
