February 29, 2016

2/29/16 Leap Day

This       Today is fun in that it is my brother in law's birthday and that it only happens once every four years. 
      This morning I met with a client and then I got to continue work at home. It's nice being able to work with Heidi. We got some important things done. 

      This afternoon David showed us his catamaran style boat he built at school. The sink was a little small for sailing so the kids filled a tupperware tub out side for the boat. Of coarse Peter promptly fell in and got soaked. He's ok just needed some dry clothes. 
     This evening we watched McFarland USA. It's one of those underdog come from behind stories. It has a good message about sticking with things even when they are hard. 

2/28/16 Quiet Time at Home

      Today Peter, David and Joseph all had various symptoms of not being well. Heidi decided that since Peter threw up on her in the night it was my turn to watch him during church. It was a quiet time. We watched a couple of cartoons including Brave with the director's commentary on. Peter sat by me most of the time. That's another sign he wasn't feeling his best. When he's awake he is rarely still for long. After a while he got restless so I took him for a walk. The picture above is from the nap that resulted. 
     This evening another unusual thing happened at bedtime. First Peter and then Joseph got down from their beds and cuddled on my lap where I was sitting reading the scriptures. Usually for Peter Mom is the only source of comfort when it is time to sleep. It is hard not to feel like the events of the morning are connected to the events of the evening. Joseph too lately has been all about Mom. He wants her to say the prayer, to drive. He wants to sit in her lap at dinner. To have him want to be by me did make me feel loved. 
     David and I had some quality time today as well. He couldn't remember watching a movie with the director's commentary on before. It was fun to hear about all the drafts and little and big changes that go into making a movie. 
     Heidi and the girls and TJ reported having a good experience at Church. Since both Peter and Joseph were with me Heidi got to sit through all of sacrament. That's been unusual for her lately and she enjoyed it. 

February 28, 2016

2/27/16 Freedom to Fail

     Today I had the interesting opportunity to attend a seminar about the Constitution. It was held by the Principal of the school I teach at (heritageacademyaz.com). We learned about the principles the founders of our nation used in drafting that famous document. Many of the stories told were new to me and some of the principles were too. One such idea that was new to me was Adam Smith's formula for prosperity. It calls for four freedoms. The freedom to try, to buy, to sell and to fail. That last one is most interesting to me at the moment as it seems most unusual. It also seems relevant as I am grading a tough exam. The idea here seems to be if we don't allow people to fail we take away one of the strongest motivating forces that causes people to get out of bed and get to work. Which in turn could lead many more people to fail. Some of my students did do well on the exam despite its challenging level. It appears that, according to Adam Smith, it would be best to let my students keep the grades they earned as a motivator to encourage them to study harder for next time. The final results of the exam aren't in yet so I'll postpone that decision until then. 
     Today Rebecca went to a birthday party of a friend who is a twin. She and her mother used their talent for sewing to make a custom carrying bag for each of them out of some cute material. So wonderful to use our skills to bless others. 
    This evening we had the great blessing of attending the baptism of the Andalt family. They are a great young family that is joining our ward. They have three kids with ages around our kid's ages. The Spirit was strong as we listened to the talks. There were many people present from the ward to show support. What a special time. 

2/26/16 Feed The Missionaries

      Today Gram and Papa weren't feeling well so we missed our usual visit with them. We pray they'll feel better soon. We missed the enjoyable time we get to spend with them. Instead Heidi and I worked at grading math homework and exams. Not a fun replacement. Still, it needed to be done. 
     This evening we got to do something far more enjoyable. We got to feed the missionaries serving in our area. In our ward you've got to act fast if you want to have a chance at having the Elders over. The ward posts an online calendar so people can volunteer to have the missionaries over for dinner. We have the date the new calendar usually comes online marked on our calendar so we can increase our odds of having these special servants of the Lord in our home. Last month, due to a scheduling conflict, we missed out even though we had reserved the first available day on the calendar. This time there was no conflict and Elder Moreno and Elder Moreira (sp?) came over. We learned that they like pepperoni pizza and the chicken ranch pizza was a hit as well. After dinner they shared a short spiritual thought and a prayer with our family. I don't remember the specific message they shared but I do remember the Spirit they invited into our home. It is truly a blessing to be able to serve. 
      For those of you who may be wondering, the final results of the pinewood derby were posted online. David came in 19th in a field of 30 outlaw cars and 37th out of 82 total. Not bad results considering the fact that he may have been the only participant who did not have gray hair. Good job David!

February 25, 2016

2/25/16 Not Enough Time

      Today was exam day. Things went great for my 7th graders. They had an average grade of 82% and 80% got a C or better. That feels pretty good. My Precalculus kids had a tougher day. Only 2 people finished the exam in 2nd period and many kids were cross that I wouldn't give them more time. Only 4 kids finished in 3rd period so clearly it was a tough test. Those grades aren't in yet so I don't know how everyone did. My feeling is that it is going to be ok. 
      This evening I got to be Dad and stay home while Heidi went to a training meeting for her calling. Those of us who stayed home watched Return From Witch Mountain. Not as good as the first but still with some cute moments. David had a hard time going to sleep because the suspense of the movie upset him so much. He's a sensitive soul. 

February 24, 2016

2/24/16 Placement Test

     Today David got to take the Heritage Academy placement test. It will determine which math and English classes he will get placed in next fall. The exam took almost 2 hours. David couldn't remember ever taking a test that was longer than half an hour. We are proud of him. The other day he told his mother that he's learning to calculate the area of a trapezoid. She told him
That I've been teaching that to my seventh graders. He was surprised to learn that he was studying something that older kids were learning. If all goes well he should test higher than the math class I am teaching. Now we wait for them to email the results. We're not sure how long that will be. 

February 23, 2016

2/23/16 Quiet Can Happen

     Today something happened that made me chuckle. Two of the girls from my noisy 2nd period class stopped by my 3rd period class. One of them had lost a cell phone and was trying to find it. When they walked in one of them said "It's so quiet". They seemed amazed. One told me later that she thought they must be taking a quiz. I told them that this is what my other classes sound like. I am still a little baffled that my 2nd period class is so much noisier than 1st or 3rd. I didn't let it bother me today. I spent my energy working with the kids who wanted to learn. The exam is on Thursday and I hope they will all be prepared but I can't always talk over them or lecture on being quiet. The reality is that they have the highest average grade of the three classes so perhaps they do have it down and I need to challenge them more.

2/22/16 Blurry Day

     Today went by fast. Phone meetings and more phone meetings.
     For FHE we talked about how Heavenly Father protects us from harm. Sarah brought home a handout from her Primary class. It had pictures of Daniel in the lion's den, the 2000 Stripling Warriors and Nephi building a boat. It reminded us that Heavenly Father watches over and protects us. He expects us to act in faith and do the things He asks us to do.

February 21, 2016

2/21/16 Family Goals

     Today I was blessed to have the chance to speak in sacrament meeting. These are always great opportunities to learn as well as to give service. In case you're interested I'll include the text from my talk preparation. I did go off script a little as I was blessed with a little more time than I initially planned for. Things went well and Heidi says I did a good job. Here's the talk:

Family Goals Talk
My Brothers and Sisters ALOHA
              Today I have been asked to talk about a subject that is important to me and that is family goals. Specifically, I am going to talk about three aspects of family goals: First, why is setting family goals important. Second, how can we choose what to have as our goals and Third, what can we do to keep from getting discouraged with my family goals.

First, why should we care about setting family goals?
Heavenly Father sets goals. If it works for Him it will work for us.
              Recently my wife was taught by Sister Knight, of the Greenfield ward, that Heavenly Father is the best example of how to be a good parent. If we read in the scriptures about how he treats his children, we can learn a lot about how to be better parents.
              In the beginning, Heavenly Father held a family counsel (Abr 4:26) where he told his children about His goals for us. He called it the Plan of Salvation.  It is a set of family goals that if we follow them will allow us to become like he is and allow us to be with our families forever. When we heard about it those of us who are on Earth today shouted for joy (job 38:7).
              I’m a firm believer in the power of setting goals. I have goals written in dry erase marker on my bathroom window. I start almost every day reviewing my to do list and prioritizing which goals are the most important for today. If we want to get something done we need to start by deciding to do it.

              Perhaps one of the most important reason to set goals is that we don’t have unlimited time. When Heidi and I make our plan the hardest thing is often deciding what not to do. By setting goals we prioritize what is most important.

How should we go about choosing our family goals?
Keep the Commandments
Thomas S. Monson, October 2015 General Conference
"I am confident that each of us has as his ultimate goal life everlasting in the presence of our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. It is imperative, therefore, for us to make choices throughout our lives that will lead us to this great goal. “

When I was a missionary down in Argentina there was an Elder from Texas who had a great expression. He said “goals should be stars to steer ourselves by not sticks to beat ourselves with”. Think about that as you are setting your goals. Ask yourself “Will this goal inspire me to be my best self?”
As a family our most important goal is to be the type of family that wants to be together forever. Whenever we find ourselves doing something that gets in the way of that goal is a good time to think about things to change.
We should pray for guidance
Visit the Temple
In October 2015 General Conference Elder Larry Lawrence taught us to ask the Lord “What Lack I yet?” He will tell us and if we act on what He tells us He will teach us more.

OK by now you may be thinking “Yeah, but setting family goals is hard and when we don’t make progress I get discouraged, what then?”
Here are some simple things that you can try to up your success rate:
Start Small
Have a fall back plan
Mark it on your calendar
Tell other people about your goal
Don’t be afraid to table a goal for a while with a plan to visit it again later

              Let’s face it, setting and sticking to goals is hard. Many people refuse to make New Year’s resolutions because it is so discouraging to make them and find that you drop them after a few weeks. Fortunately, there are many things that we can do to overcome this vicious cycle.

Start Small
              Saint Francis of Assisi has a great quote it goes:  Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

Think of Alma 37:6-7 “behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass; and small means in many instances doth confound the wise.
 7 And the Lord God doth work by means to bring about his great and eternal purposes; and by very small means the Lord doth confound the wise and bringeth about the salvation of many souls.
Nightly Scripture story
              When my wife and I started doing nightly scripture study with our children it did not go well. Or kids were not interested in sitting still and listening. They wanted to jump on the beds. We set a goal that we would read at least one scripture every night as a family. We decided that if need be we could quote a one. There were many nights when we quoted “Adam fell that men might be and men are that they might have joy”. The interesting part is that while we had many days when that was as far as we got there were many others where we read a whole chapter. As time went on the percentage of one scripture days decreased and now we routinely read a whole chapter.

Have a fall back plan
              Elder Andersen, when he came to train our local leaders, shared a similar plan his family did. They had a goal to read a chapter a day in the book of Mormon. He wife ended up memorizing a short chapter so that if they had a rough day she could quote it and they could be consistent in keeping their goal. (3 Nephi 30 I’m fairly sure).
              The idea here is that when you set your goal you should have a plan for what you will do when you feel like quitting.
Heavenly Father does not expect us to get there suddenly in one flurry of effort. (D&C 98:12) “For he will give unto the faithful line upon line, precept upon precept”
Mark it on your calendar
              There has been research that shows that if you mark a specific time on your calendar you are more likely to get it done.

Tell other people about your goal
              Another small but helpful thing that we can do is to let other people know about our goals. This is especially important for family goals. Heavenly Father sends prophets and many others to remind us about the plan of salvation. Telling our kids and others about our goals helps with our kids because they know what we expect of them. Telling others helps because they may ask us how our goal is going. That can help us keep trying when times get tough.

Revisiting Goals/Not Dying in the Pool story
              Two summers ago we made a goal to teach our kids how to swim. Actually our real goal was to teach the well enough that one of them fell in the would not die in the pool. They could swim to the edge and climb back out. After practicing close to 5 days a week by the end of summer our two oldest had achieved the goal but our others had not. This might have seemed like a failure except that not long after summer ended my second oldest did fall in the pool when she was in the backyard by herself. Because of all our hard work nothing worse happened than she got all wet. I don’t want to think about what would have happened had we not had that goal in place. This past summer we revisited our “Not dying in the pool” goal and two more of our children can now get out of the pool safely on their own. The important thing here is to be grateful for the small successes that you do have and don’t be discouraged that you still have a ways to go. We still have two kids left who are not safe around pools and while that is a scary thought I am so grateful that four of my kids are ready should they happen to fall in.

              In conclusion let me recap the things that we have discussed. Heavenly Father sets goals. He created a plan before he created the world. If that is the pattern that works for the most powerful Being in the universe it will also work for us. We should set goals that inspire us and be careful not to beat ourselves up when we fall short. We should not be surprised when it gets hard to keep our goals. In fact we should expect it and plan on it. Have a fall back plan for what to do when things get hard and don’t be afraid to admit that you may need to revisit some goals again later on.
              Heavenly Father loves you right now. Even before you set any goals. He will always love you no matter how many times you fail. He will also help you to succeed and to have the joy and happiness that He has promised if we learn to keep the commandments. My invitation to you is that you make a plan, right now, to set a family goal. If you already are doing this, great, if not find a time today to start setting family goals. It can be simply that you want to be an eternal family and that you will work together to make it happen.
       I bare you my testimony that Heavenly Father loves you and that peace and joy are found in living the gospel. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I did add in that the Savior taught in the New Testament "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" (Matt 5:48) in the book of Mormon he said it slightly differently "Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect." To me this suggests that the Savior did not consider Himself perfect until after He was resurrected. We learn in Luke 2:52 that "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man." I suggest that perhaps Matthew 5:48 means that we should become perfected in the way the Savior became perfect line upon line. We probably won't become perfect 10 things at a time. We'll do it one thing at a time.

     This evening the stake had a fireside. Heavenly Father blessed us so that things went smoothly. There was a video that didn't download properly but Heavenly Father blessed me to be able to fix it without it being noticeable in the meeting.

2/20/16 Pinewood Derby and Chile Cookoff

     Today VDO hosted one of its signature events. This one was a pinewood derby complete with a laser track and closed circuit TV. A kind lady gave David the shirt and hat. His goal was to see which of his cars from his Cub Scout days was the fastest. He learned that his first place car is faster than his second place car by an average time of .016 seconds. In other words very close. It was a well done event with a funny host. We all had a good time. Thanks to Gram and Papa for inviting us. 

     This evening our ward hosted a Chili Cookoff. There was good food and fun music. A group called the Red Mountain Riders sang for us and quoted poetry. They are very talented. Doug my brother in law won the chili contest. Fun day. 

February 20, 2016

2/19/16 Do What You Can

     Today was not my most productive day but I still got some things done. Heidi and I had a nice visit with my parents. We didn't get as much checked off as I wanted but hopefully we've laid the groundwork for finishing some of those things tomorrow. It was still nice to visit about lessons learned from our recent FHE experience and to talk about the challenges that we are tackling. 
      The afternoon felt similar. I checked a few things off the list but not as many as I had wanted to. Still, on the whole, the day was positive. Famed basketball couch John Wooden has said "never let what you can't do keep you from doing what you can do". There were several points today where I felt off my game. Questions that are usually easy for me were not today. Still, when those moments came I tried to switch to a task that I did feel up to. I didn't let it become an excuse to quit for the day.  As a result this day goes down with a check in the plus column instead of the minus column. That feels good. It feels like overcoming adversity. Even though it was just a sluggish day, I've let those get to me in the past. It makes me feel more like getting a good night sleep and tackling tomorrow with a fresh pair of eyes. 

February 19, 2016

2/18/16 Help Teaching Math

     This morning as I mentally prepared for the day I said a little prayer for my math students in Precalculus. It'd been three class periods since we started covering graphs of Sine and Cosine and we were not making any headway. I prayed that I would find a way to teach the material that would make sense to my students. I felt impressed to re-teach some of the foundations of what we are learning called the Unit Circle. Today I also changed things up and allowed the students to help each other on today's quiz. Between those two things we started to see the students begin to understand. Seeing that light turn on moment, when a student goes from lost to understanding, is one of my favorites as a teacher. It's one of the things that make the challenges worthwhile. I want to give credit where it is due. Heavenly Father helped out. I've got to remember to pray more as I teach. 

February 18, 2016

2/17/16 Tenderfoot

     Today David was awarded his Tenderfoot rank at the court of honor. We're proud of his accomplishment. More important, we're proud of how he has been using the things he's been learning. Today we got a call from the nurse just at school was starting. TJ was fine but he'd crashed on his bike along the way to school and scraped his knee. David had used his jacket to apply pressure to the cut and stop the bleeding. He also made sure that TJ got to the nurses office where he could get cleaned up and bandaged properly. Perhaps as important, he stayed calm and helped make sure that all of them made it to school. It is one thing to sign of a first aid skill in a class. It is quite another to use it in a real world situation. We're grateful that TJ has such a great big brother to look after him. 

February 17, 2016

2/16/16 A Day at The Lab

     Today we used the computer lab for all three of my classes. My Precalc kids are really struggling with graphing sinusoidal functions. ie graphs of sine and cosine problems. The lab helped some but there was still much confusion at the end of class. I'm not sure how to break it down more for them. They seem to be lost at how to solve sine and cosine and way before getting to the graphs. Oh well, we have another day at it on Thursday. Hopefully some revelation will strike me by then. 

2/15/16 FHE at VDO

    Tonight our family responded to an invite to do another Family Home Evening  with Gram, Papa and Becca B at VDO. The VDO Park has a group of 10-15 retired folks who get together for FHE. About two years ago we came and sang some of the songs we used to sing when I was a kid. This time was the same only we added Peter and a couple more Ukuleles. Heidi and Rebecca have one now. Since Joseph's birthday was on Saturday, and Papaand Gram didn't get to come they bought a birthday cake for him. Joseph picked it out at Costco. You can see him roaring like a dinosaur in the picture. He's adorable. The evening seemed to go well. Several people thanked us for coming and I don't remember any of the kids crying and hiding under a table. They reported later that they were nervous but that they mostly had fun. Rebecca reported that she liked the Little Ducks song the most. In that song the kids get to go in and out of the room several times. Each time one fewer comes back until at the end Papa duck calls them and they all come back. The kids also reported liking playing prelude and postlude music on the piano and eatin cake. 

February 14, 2016

2/14/16 Happy Valentines Day

     Today we got to go to church. It's amazing to me sometimes how spiritually rejuvenating it can be even when the kids are a little bit crazy. Peter and Joseph didn't sit through all of sacrament but the other kids did fine. Heidi watched Peter during sacrament and Sunday School and I had him in the hall during Priesthood. He's a lot more interested in throwing rocks than he is in sitting still at the moment. Still, it was a good time to spend with him. He won't be little for long. The other kids are all great helps with him. 
     After church Heidi and I did some planning and then I took a nap. After dinner Heidi suggested that we play our ukuleles. It was a good time. 

February 13, 2016

2/13/16 Happy Birthday Joseph!

     This is Joseph reacting to the track that the Johnsons gave us. I think he likes it. His Aunt Heather decorated her house with Happy Birthday signs and gave him a cool book with little Disney characters. He had fun playing with that today as well. 

     Today was also day 2 of "Day" Camp. David had a blast. Heidi and I did too. We both got to be there. Here David and his troop are participating in the Tournament of Scouting. Our eleven year old boys ended up taking the "Most in Uniform" award and the overall "Spirit" award. That's the top award you can earn at day camp. Our ward has one it the last few years. It was a close one this year but they won it again. 

    My assignment today was to teach the boys about knots. Heavenly Father sent me two helpful dads to get the rope bridge set up. There is no way I was getting that up by myself. The boys were great fun. I did get to cast a vote for who got the Spirit Award. There were some great troops that came through. Most gave a great cheer and some were pretty good at their knots. The Falcon Patrol was tough to beat but when the Panthers (David's patrol) came by I had to change my vote. They not only had a great cheer but they were the only patrol that knew all the knots cold. Every knot we covered they not only had seen before but they remembered how to tie it. As a leader with a boy in the race I was reluctant to vote for the Pathers because I knew I was biased. However, after seeing them in action I could not, in fairness, vote for another Troop. I was so proud of David in particular. He would tie the knot I assigned and then, while he waited for the other boys, he'd tie another knot to show me. This evening he was so excited that he taught himself how to lash using his scout book and made a little tripod out of stuff he found around the house. I love that kid. He is so smart and fun. 

     We missed getting a picture of Heidi. She was in charge of the station that quizzed the boys on first aid skills. She's digging right in to her new stake primary calling. 
     This evening Heidi and I went on a date to put the, now repaired, TV back up at the Stake Center. Heidi and I sure know how to have a good time 😀. 

2/12/16 "Day" camp, Day 1

      After several takes Heidi got this shot where mostly everyone is smiling. Rebecca had to pretend to eat Peter's ear to cheer him up. He had been played outside and was not pleased that he had to stop for a photo. 
     Rebecca has now acheived a new milestone with her reading. She is in the Multimillionaire Club for reading 2 million or more words during a semester. She is now at 3 million words for the school year. We are proud of our reader. 
     This morning we had a nice visit with Gram, Papa and Becca B. We worked on our joint FHE plan and did Costco lunch. Peter decided he really liked this four wheeler. 
      This afternoon David started "Day" Camp. Usually this means no staying the night but David and I and the rest of the 11 year olds are camped out at the stake center. The boys set up their tent and had hot dogs for dinner. They had a good time running around. 

February 11, 2016

2/11/16 Two Days of Learning

     Today was a school day for me. This was the second day this week that we were able to focus on learning the material and not talk about talking. That makes things a lot more fun. It feels like we have a lot of ground to cover. The students are learning but occasionally we run across areas where the foundation isn't strong enough for the new material and we need to review. Still, it was great to be learning and moving ahead instead of fighting chit chat. I do try to let the kids help each other sometimes and I try to make sure that I'm really saying something that everyone needs to hear. That seems to help people want to listen more. 
     This afternoon, around 5, when I got home Heidi was at the park with the kids. The Hallsted family was there too. It was a fun little visit. 

2/10/16 Many Meetings

Today was a day of many meetings. I met with an old client and a new one. Heidi met with scout leaders to train on Scoutbook. Rebecca had activity days. David had scouts. Rebecca and Sarah had piano. I also met with Bob Rhine the High Counselor over tech. We tried to figure out why one of the printers won't always print. 

February 9, 2016

2/9/16 Peter Finds a Hat and David Catches a Fish

     This morning Peter found the jug that we use for juice. He decided he knew best what to use it for. 

    This picture is not from today but Brother Montiereth, David's scout leader, sent it to me today. This is a picture of the first fish David ever caught. He may have caught two that day. If so that puts him one ahead of his old man. I'll have to ask Heidi to post in the comments about when this fishing trip happened. 
     In other happenings of the day, it felt good to teach three classes and not have to stop once to talk about being respectful when others are talking. Part of it, I've been learning, was that I needed to change. Angela, the math department chair, taught me that a busy class is better behaved. I've given my kids more work to do in class and it has allowed us to focus more on learning the material. 
      This evening Heidi took David to
See his Citizenship in the Nation merit badge counselor. He has now signed off another required merit badge. We're so proud of him. 
      While Heidi and David did that Heather kindly watched the other kids so that I could help set up the tech for Young Women's New Beginnings. Heaven bless those sweet sisters for all the hours of prep they put in to make these events special. I was there from 7 to 8:30 but it looked like they still had plenty to do. The tech was set and I had kids to put to bed so I came home. It's been a busy but satisfying day. 

2/8/16 Feeling Better Finally

      It took most of another day of resting but I'm finally feeling well enough to head back to teaching tomorrow. It's been good to slow down a little. It allowed me to do some simple things like feed Peter and Joseph peanut butter and honey sandwiches. I also took a moment and quizzed Sarah on her vocabulary words. I've been too busy lately to do these types of thing. Since I was in resting mode I was able to say yes when the chance came up. 

February 7, 2016

2/7/16 A New Calling For Heidi

     Yesterday, somewhere in the middle of helping me with my calling, Heidi had a chat with our Stake President, President Cowan. He extended the call to be the new second counselor in the Stake Primary Presidency. I am confident that Heidi will do great in her new role. She is such a wonderful uplifting spirit. I know that she will help the ward Primary leaders be all that they can be. 
      Today Heidi was sustained in our ward. The other big news is that our stake boundaries are changing. Two wards from our stake are moving to another stake and we are getting two wards from another stake. Ward boundary changes are likely next but we are not sure when. These changes are part of the reason the Stake Primary Presidency had to be reorganized. Heidi said there were about 30 new callings related to the boundary change. Sadly I spent the day home in bed again. I would much rather have been there. 
      I spent the day resting. I watched some trig videos and I listened to a recording of the Priesthood lesson. It's not the same but at least I could learn some of the lesson. It was about the peace we can have if we trust God. Sometimes I feel like it shouldn't be so hard to relax and trust that Heavenly Father is in charge. He has always taken good care of me and yet it is all together too easy to let the little things worry me. It's time to recommit myself to trust in the Lord's way of getting things done. 

February 6, 2016

2/6/16 First Trombonist from Entz

     Today David tried out for the Mesa Honor Band. He knew that if he made it he would be the first trombone player from Entz Elementary to do so. He has been rehearsing for this tryout for the past couple of weeks. It has been fun to listen as his tone and confidence have improved. The decision wasn't made on the spot so David had to wait to find out. David's teacher Mr. Trout called and let us know. It had been a competitive field but the panel was impressed by David's good attitude and by his determination. We are super proud of his accomplishment but like the judges we are more Impressed by the good attitude he has shown and by his persistence. These are the skills that will carry him long after his days of playing a trombone are past. 
     Another person I am grateful for is Heidi. She did my calling again for me today as I am still under the weather. Bob Rhine, of the High Council, reported back to me that she did a fine job. I knew she would. It's driving me crazy being sick. There are so many things to do. Still, I was grateful to know that Heidi had me covered at the Relief Society event. As for me I did at least manage to get some quizzes graded and watch some Trig videos. The other kids did a fine job of mostly taking care of themselves. I only had to get out of bed when Peter tripped and got a bloody nose. Peter was fine. He was happy as soon as he saw he was going to get to sit in the sink. The bleeding had already almost stopped and he cleaned up quickly. Rebecca and Sarah took turns keeping him cheered up. 

2/5/16 Good Kids

      Today was the day I had to admit I have a cold. Yesterday I had no voice but otherwise I felt fine. Today all I wanted to do was sleep. Heidi helped out at my parent's house while I slept on the couch. Later on Heidi went and subbed for me doing my calling. She went and helped set up for the Relief Society activity. She did great. The kids gave themselves permission to eat in the living room. See how they even put a towel down under themselves? The important part is that they let me sleep. They also took care of Peter. He can be a real handful especially when he misses his Mom. The kids did great. 

February 5, 2016

2/4/16 Good Neighbors From Head to Toe

     A few days ago our friends the Newtons dropped by a few clothing items they'd grown out of. Among the lot was a pair of gently used shoes that are just my size. My old tennis shoes have holes in them that are getting big enough that I can't simply pretend that it's by design for ventilation. I can wear the new shoes all day and they feel great on my feet. That's been a huge blessing. 
       About a month ago our neighbors Beatrice, Ruth and David invited us over to celebrate 3 Kings Day. Rebecca got the little baby Jesus toy. Tradition is that the person who gets the doll hosts a party with tamales on February 2, the day Christ's presentation at the synagogue is celebrated. There was no expectation they we actually host a party but we thought it would be fun to do anyway. The 2nd proved difficult to coordinate but Beatrice and Ruth were able to come over on the 3rd. It was a good time. We had tamales. They brought some amazing homemade hot cocoa. Some of the kids were even willing to try the tamales. David really liked them even though they were a little spicy. While here Beatrice noticed that my voice was giving out. She suggested chicken soup as her favorite remedy. Today when I got home from work Heidi showed me a big bowl of homemade chicken soup. Beatrice had made it special and brought it over for us. It was so good David's comment was, "we should ask them for the recipe and then we should make it every day". This is high praise from a boy who was once a very picky eater. 
     I am grateful to Heavenly Father for blessing us with such kind and thoughtful neighbors. 

February 4, 2016

2/3/16 Siblings are Fun

     A couple of the bedroom trash cans needed to be dumped out. After I dumped them and before I could take them back upstairs they had disappeared.  This is where I found them TJ reported that he and Peter were being Storm Troopers. Glad we didn't waste money on toy helmets when dollar store trash cans will do the job. And when they're not being worn you can store trash in them. 

     Here is Sarah entertaining Peter. Peter has his older brother's PJs on but he didn't let it slow him down. He has things to do. Heidi and I often comment on how blessed we are that the kids play so nicely together. It's in my Patriarchal Blessing that my home will be blessed with an abundance of love. That blessing has been fulfilled many times over at our house. 

February 2, 2016

2/2/16 Mr. Connelly

     Look what I found in my box at school today. It made me feel like an official teacher. For the lesson today I took all of my classes to the computer lab. The kids all worked in a math program called Khan Academy. It's wonderful because it allows each kid to work at their own speed. If they need more practice problems of a certain type it makes up more. The kids do appear to be learning. I had five students make up the exam today since they were sick last week.  They did about as well as the rest of the students have done, which is pretty good. One student came and made up one of the home works that he hadn't turned in. That alone bumped up his grade quite a bit. If he works hard he can continue to improve his grade as we go along. It made me happy to see him improve. I'm really teaching because I want kids to learn. I don't want any of them to fail. 
      As usual Heidi did a fabulous job of holding down the fort while I was at school. Life goes on when I am out of the office and it is gratifying to see that problems are getting solved without me as well. I am so grateful to have such a great team. 

2/1/16 A Little More Rest

     The photos above are from family home evening. Rebecca shared a nice lesson about how by following instructions we can learn how to do things we couldn't do before. She taught the kids how to hold the two ends of a piece of string and tie a knot without ever letting go of the string. By all accounts it was a good and memorable lesson. Heidi took pictures so that I would get to see it. At between 7 and 7:30 pm I decided to lay down for bit since I was feeling tired. I woke up around 4:30 the next morning. Apparently I needed the rest. 
     It was a good day. Filled with the usual Monday meetings. One highlight for me was feeling like Heavenly Father was sending me a little bit of revelation to solve a hard problem. We needed a way to do more work for a client but not in a way that took a lot more time. We had spent a long time working on it and had made no progress. Suddenly an idea came into my mind of a way we could build on the work that has already been done rather than building a new system from scratch. It will work and it's a ton simpler than any of the ideas we've had so far. I feel like it's not my idea, although it came to me. I'm just glad it came because we needed it. 

February 1, 2016

1/31/16 A Day of Rest

     It was nice to have a good night's rest and not have any major items on the Sunday agenda. At church I got to sing in the choir. It's one of those catchy tunes that is still with me now as I write this. Not in an annoying sort of way. In the way that makes you glad you found the time to sing. 
     This afternoon I got to go home teaching with Pierre to Sister Teeting's house. She is a positive, can do type of lady. This past week, on her birthday no less, her toilet broke and she learned that the floor of her bathroom has wood rot. She hasn't let that get her down. She says that she has come to expect big trials on her birthday but she just works through them and moves on. The first Presidency message was about how having the love of Christ in our hearts makes us happy. Sister Teeting is a service minded soul. She was more concerned about my mild cat allergy than about her toilet. If it was me I'd be pretty annoyed about having my only toilet in the shower for multiple days. Still, she was chipper. A good lesson for me. Focus on service and your own problems demenish or disappear.