February 18, 2016

2/17/16 Tenderfoot

     Today David was awarded his Tenderfoot rank at the court of honor. We're proud of his accomplishment. More important, we're proud of how he has been using the things he's been learning. Today we got a call from the nurse just at school was starting. TJ was fine but he'd crashed on his bike along the way to school and scraped his knee. David had used his jacket to apply pressure to the cut and stop the bleeding. He also made sure that TJ got to the nurses office where he could get cleaned up and bandaged properly. Perhaps as important, he stayed calm and helped make sure that all of them made it to school. It is one thing to sign of a first aid skill in a class. It is quite another to use it in a real world situation. We're grateful that TJ has such a great big brother to look after him. 


  1. Very impressive, very mature, very "be prepared" behavior David. We're proud of you‼️

  2. I couldn't have done it without you mom and dad. I loooooooooooooove you.
