February 1, 2016

1/31/16 A Day of Rest

     It was nice to have a good night's rest and not have any major items on the Sunday agenda. At church I got to sing in the choir. It's one of those catchy tunes that is still with me now as I write this. Not in an annoying sort of way. In the way that makes you glad you found the time to sing. 
     This afternoon I got to go home teaching with Pierre to Sister Teeting's house. She is a positive, can do type of lady. This past week, on her birthday no less, her toilet broke and she learned that the floor of her bathroom has wood rot. She hasn't let that get her down. She says that she has come to expect big trials on her birthday but she just works through them and moves on. The first Presidency message was about how having the love of Christ in our hearts makes us happy. Sister Teeting is a service minded soul. She was more concerned about my mild cat allergy than about her toilet. If it was me I'd be pretty annoyed about having my only toilet in the shower for multiple days. Still, she was chipper. A good lesson for me. Focus on service and your own problems demenish or disappear. 

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