April 12, 2016

4/11/16 A New Hire

    Today I met with the Alcantars as usual. Things seem to be going well with them. It was a good meeting. Afterwards Heidi and I met with Vickie Rock. She is a member of our ward. She is the Relief Society 1st Counselor and her husband is the High Priest Group Leader. They are a couple of pillars of our ward. Sister Rock was also one of Heidi's Young Women leaders. Vickie is now the newest member of the Valiant Accounting Team. We are super excited to have her aboard. We've been needing some additional help and now we have it. We did some paperwork and some initial training and she is hitting the ground running. One big goal for us is to train Vickie to do some of the work Heidi is doing so that Heidi can focus on being a full time mom. Heidi does a great job of balancing her time doing accounting and being a mom. Still, the kids are our top priority and we feel that this will help show that to them. Some of the kids feel that Heidi is "always" working. This is more true than they know because it is work to make their meals and help with homework but we want them to feel our love and know that they come first for us. Anyhow, we're excited to have the additional help on board. 
     This evening Heidi did a wonderful lesson on the gift of the Holy Ghost. After FHE I fell asleep on the couch. Time to get to bed. 

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