April 12, 2016

4/10/16 Sarah's 8th Birthday

     I hope Papa doesn't mind me borrowing these two images from his blog. Be sure to check out his post for more fun pictures. The3auswanderers.blogspot.com. 
     Today is a special birthday for Sarah. This is the year she is old enough to be baptized. We are proud of her for making the choice to be baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She had her interview with the bishop to make sure that she is ready today. He reports that she passed with flying colors. 
     After church Gram and Papa stopped by with gifts for both kids who had birthdays this weekend. TJ got a Thomas the Train DVD. Sarah got a fun animal game for the Wii. They were both very pleased. Gram and Papa also pitched in to help cover swim lessons this summer. We live in a land of many pools. It is an important safety measure that they know how to swim. 
     Later on I did another webcast test with Bon Rhyne. Little by little we are getting prepared for Stake Conference. 

1 comment:

  1. Always happy to share our pics, especially when they are of those wonderful grandkids. Looking forward to being at Sarahs baptism
