April 25, 2016

4/25/16 Family Home Evening a Day

      Today was an unusually low key day. I had the usual staff meeting at Empire. In the afternoon I distracted the boys while Heidi got some work done. We did our planning in the afternoon. That seemed to go very well. We'll try that again soon. We're always trying to find ways to work better or smarter. 
      This evening we played the game "Imagine If" for family home evening. It's a game that works well across all our ages. We had a fun time. 
     The picture above is something created by Rebecca. Her artistic talents are showing through. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful turtle. Does Rebecca know that"honu" is Hawaiian for turtle?(especially the green sea turtle) Gramma has a fun story of swimming with a honu off Kailua Beach
