April 19, 2016

4/19/16 Math That's Almost Fun

     Before I tell about my day I have to show off this scripture tote that Heidi made for Sarah. It's a gift for her baptism day. That's coming up on Saturday. We're all very excited for it to come. 
     Today at Heritage we finally have a topic that isn't killer hard for the kids to comprehend. I even found a math worksheet online that made the lesson into a game of tic tac toe. I called it trig tac toe. We're learning the basic trig identities and while few would admit they were having fun several expressed a good feeling. It feels like solving a sudoku puzzle. Don't tell anyone but I think some of them had fun. There were certainly more smiles today than I've seen in a while. Hopefully it holds. There's only 11 more math days before the end of the school year. 
      This evening the kids played at the grassy field. Heidi taught a Scootbook class. She's really getting good at it. It's going to help a bunch of boys advance and better track their progress. 


  1. Great tote. We're looking forward to attending Sarah's baptism. Fun math game --a little bit of sugar...
