June 26, 2016

6/25/16 Pool Time

    This morning Heidi went to Stake Baptisms and I helped Heidi's sister Heather make a Back to the Fuure themed video for her work. Heather went all out and made a Doc Brown costume and got the Back to the Future font for the graphics. It turned out kind of fun. 
      After that I went and set up a projector for Ryan Cash's baptism. They've been coming to church for a while now. Heidi and I would have thought he was a member already. Anyhow, it was well attended. Ryan bore a sweet testimony about learning to do what the Lord wants. 
      This afternoon, after missing a couple of days of our daily summer swim goal, we made it to the pool. 

     Here is TJ in his goggles. 

     Sarah with Rebecca smiling over her shoulder. 

     David, sporting a big smile. 

     Here are Peter and Joseph cozily tucked into the stroller for the trip home. It is nice to live just 4 houses up from the pool. 

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