June 7, 2016

6/6/16 Music Forte Begins

     Today was the first day of Music Forte Day camp for David, Rebecca, Sarah and TJ. Heidi was asked to make kimono costumes for the kids in TJ's age group. A couple of additional kids got added at the last minute. This morning Heidi got to measure the kids to see if they fit. She has only until Saturday to make any adjustments before the performance. 

     In the picture above Heidi is using a girl costume as a guide for a blue boy costume. The kids all reported having a fun first day. 
      For FHE today we downloaded the church's indexing app and indexed a batch. David, Rebecca and Sarah each took turns filling out the fields. Heidi arbitrated tricky cursive names. We have a goal to index one batch per month. So far it has been tougher than we expected. It feels good to check off our goal for this month. 

1 comment:

  1. Hooray Heidi! What a task! Hope the. Show goes well. Congrats on indexing goal!
