June 28, 2016

6/28/16 Print Job

      Yesterday the printer that I ordered for the Val Vista clerk's office arrived. I was planning on installing it on Thursday but I kept feeling that I should do it today. So Heidi and I left David in charge for a short time while she and I got it set up. The bishopric members have told me that they have an app they use for youth temple recommends. This printer will save them a bunch of time by allowing them to print straight from their phones. I got a text tonight that it's already being used. 😀
      Another interesting thing from this morning. Heidi showed me a talk by Elder Holland about mental illness and another about bipolar disorder. They were very interesting. I don't think I have either of those conditions. The videos did make me think about times when I have this totally unjustified confidence. Then other days I'm sure that I can't do anything. Both ends of the spectrum have dangers because they are not true pictures of the world. Heidi and I talked about how self awareness is like putting on a pair of glasses. The condition that causes you to need glasses is still there but the glasses allow you to see more clearly and function more like normal. Heidi actually sees better than 20/20 with her glasses even though her eyesight is poor without them. I still sometimes feel blocked emotionally from getting things done just like when I was a kid trying to write a paper. I'm grateful to have Heidi to help me see and work through those blocks so I can still get the important things done. 
      Rebecca and Sarah made progress on their quilts. I'll try to remember to take more pictures tomorrow. David worked on his iOS app that he started. 

1 comment:

  1. A wise couple to understand the importance of "self awareness "
