May 16, 2016

5/14/16 Another Pine Wood Derby

     Today Gram and Papa invited us to a pinewood derby that their ward was holding as a fund raiser. David came in third place. The whole event gave me an appreciation of how things can go wrong. The track was made by two brothers in the ward and was pretty bumpy. David was tied for first place until the very end. We're glad we got to go. David and I were both surprised at how suspenseful it was.
     After the derby we all went to lunch at Costco. Peter was so tired that he took a nap in the cart. The kids are big fans of Costco pizza. Heidi and I got a salad to share. We were still full from the breakfast that was held at the derby.

1 comment:

  1. The Auswanderers felt blessed the spend one of our longest days this year with our Mesa grandchildren
