May 7, 2016

5/7/16 Mother's Day Eve

     Today we celebrated Mother's Day Eve with a visit to Gram and Papa. First Heidi, Rebecca and Sarah worked hard crafting a special frame with a family picture to give as a gift. I had picked up a Sudoku a day calendar for Gram. She has expressed that she enjoys working on those so when I saw it I thought of her. We are grateful to have them close by so we can enjoy their company. They are always very thoughtful and kind to us. 
     The kiddos practiced a Grandmother song from the children's song book. The Von Trappe family needn't be concerned about being overtaken but we are sincere. 
     I spent a large portion on my Saturday writing 2 exams for my General Math and Precalc classes. Heidi kindly helped me with some of my grading. It was a busy day. 

1 comment:

  1. Hard to pick the highlight of your surprise visit--the puzzle, the wonderful framed fam portrait, the serenade, David balancing that thing on his nose. I think for Gramma it was spending a few moments with her grandchildren. Mahalo
