May 14, 2016

TJ's Kindergarten Concert

      Today was TJ's Kindergarten concert. I almost couldn't go because I had an Entz Staff meeting I am required to go to. Happily, the concert was early enough that I was able to do both and only be a couple of minutes late to my meeting. I'm so glad I went. I kept tearing up thinking of how much TJ has learned and grown this past year. I'm doing it again thinking about it. To name a few things: at the start of school year he knew his alphabet, now he's reading chapter books, TJ learned to ride his bike this year, now he rides to school daily, he's doing basic math and all these great songs. He's getting so grown up.

     Here is a shot of the family who got to come. There is a great post with lost more cute pictures on  Gram and Papa's blog check it out. All the pictures featured here are from Papa's post.

     After the concert I went to my meeting. I enjoyed visiting with the other math teachers. There is a real camaraderie between us. I feel like kind of an odd duck in that I don't feel like I "click" with very many people. It was surprising to me how much I have in common with these fun teachers.
     This afternoon was the first time this season that it was warm enough that I wanted to get in the pool. All the kids except David swam. Heidi stuck a toe in but wasn't quite ready for her first swim of the season.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone fortunate to know TJ is touched by his tender spirit. No shame tearing up thinking about him👼
